Patent's & Inventions
Patents are granted for inventions that are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application.
A patent granted in the Czech Republic is valid for 20 years from the filing date of the application and its basic effect represents the right for the patentee to prevent anybody from using it without preliminary agreement. The right to utilize a patent is granted by a licence agreement.
European Patent Applications, and European Patents with effect for the Czech Republic
The rights resulting from European patents and European Patent Applications with effect for the Czech Republic, and handling these rights, are specifically amended by Law No. 527/1990 Coll. on inventions and improvement proposals.
The Patent granted by the European Patent Office is just as effective as the national patent.
However, the owner of the European Patent must hand in to the ÚPV (Industrial Property Office) a translation of the patent specification in Czech within the statutory limitations. Should he fail to do so, the European Patent is considered to be invalid in the Czech Republic from the very
To maintain the European Patent, the owner is obliged to pay a maintenance fee.
- We can assist you with all matters related with a national patent, European patent or International patent application filing pursuant to Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).